Freezer inventory list
Freezer inventory list

freezer inventory list

I’ll confess that I buy A LOT of items when they’re on sale. Items tend to get jumbled more easily, and it’s helpful to create a list of what you have since you can’t see everything without moving things out of the way.

freezer inventory list

I’ve found that a pantry inventory list is beneficial if you have a smaller pantry that tends to quickly get cluttered with food. You may be surprised to find out that you actually have a few cans of green beans, even though they’re on this week’s grocery list! Why Should I Keep a Pantry Inventory List? If you have a smaller pantry You can use my free printable template to write down the name and number of each type of food so that you know exactly what you have on hand.Ī kitchen inventory sheet allows you to create a list of foods in different kitchen areas – the pantry, freezer, fridge, and kitchen staples that might have a permanent home on your counter.


Read my full terms of use for more info.Ī kitchen inventory is when you take stock of all the food items you have in your pantry and kitchen cupboards. *This post contains affiliate links, which means if you click a link and make a purchase, I earn a commission at no additional cost to you.

freezer inventory list


And I’m going to share my process with you!Īnd once you’re done conquering your pantry organization, head over to check out How to Declutter Your Kitchen Counters ! I’ve recently committed to using more of what we already have in our kitchen and freezers, and I made a pantry inventory sheet and a freezer inventory checklist so that I know exactly what we do and don’t need to purchase at the grocery store. And while it’s nice to get a break from cooking now and again, eating out too often can greatly impact your wallet. There have been many times when I’ve opted for takeout over digging through my kitchen for dinner ingredients. Sound familiar? If you have a serious case of pantry avoidance, you’re not alone. And all those perfectly good cans of vegetables and fruits remain for another day. So you decide it’s safer for everyone just to order pizza. What kind of culinary Twilight Zone is this? You open up the pantry door and peer inside, only to become overwhelmed by the sheer number of cans, jars, and multiple varieties of cupcake sprinkles spilling out. The kids are demanding sustenance, your spouse is getting cranky, and you’re a little on the hangry side yourself. Learn how to do a kitchen inventory to keep track of what you have on hand, and grab my free printable pantry inventory checklist now! Keeping a pantry inventory can help save you money and plan for upcoming dinners.

Freezer inventory list